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Westmeads Community Infant School

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Year 1 - Purple Class

Welcome to Purple Class!

Mrs Quinn and Ms Roberts would like to welcome you to Purple Class.

Term 6

Roll up! Roll up!

This term we are exploring the question

'What happens under the big top?'


The children have come up with lots of ideas for learning and we can't wait to have a go at some circus skills!

Home Challenge

Thanks for all the amazing pieces you made over half term... ...they look great in our classroom!


In English we will be reading the amazing story;

'Leon and the place between' by Grahame Baker-Smith.

The children are going to have so many opportunities to explore the world of magic and the mystery of the circus through this stunning book. We will be role playing, describing, predicting and doing lots of descriptive writing.


In maths we've been doing lots of 'Maths of the Day' activities. This involves us being really active and using our mathematical skills to work together as a team to solve problems. We love taking part!


In History we've been looking at Whitstable and Westmeads in the past. We've been spotting the differences in past and present photographs and have all agreed that everywhere looks very different now!

Beach visits

This term we've been doing art on the beach. Have a look at our nautical sculptures we made using natural materials...

'Clowning around!'

The whole school were treated to a visit from a very silly clown early in the term! We loved laughing at his tricks and some of us learned some new ones from him...!

Term 5


This term we are exploring the question,

'Who wears a hat like this?'



In English we are reading the Jon Klassen book 'I Want My Hat Back!'. The children are having lots of fun acting out the characters and captioning the scenes.


In Maths we have been adding on 10 and subtracting 10 using the 100 square. We have also been busy using arrays to work out 'lots of' problems. We've also been using Mathletics in class to practise our mathematical skills. Have a look at our 'Maths of the Day' activities below...


In Art we are looking at the painting 'Son of Man' by

Rene Magritte.

We have had lots of fun drawing our own fruits to cover our faces, just like his self-portrait.... Watch this space for the finished pieces!

Wear a hat to school day!

Have a look at our hats! We had so much fun!

Term 4

'Ahoy there'

This term we're learning about Pirates!

We're going to be super busy preparing for our Pirate Performance at the end of term too!

Pirate Chris!

We were very lucky to have a real life pirate visit us in the first week of term! He told us lots of facts about life as a pirate and even helped us learn a pirate sea shanty!


We've read 'The Shark That Bit Things He Shouldn't'  by Denis Bond. He came to visit us at the end of Book Week and we had a brilliant time listening to his stories and making up our very own class story 'Kitty Cow' with him!


In Maths we're going to be busy using number bonds, relating addition and subtraction sentences and adding doubles and near doubles.

Beach Walks

This term we are doing Geography on the beach. We have been learning about the compass points North, East, South and West and have made our own compasses. We had a go at giving directions too...

Pancake Races!

Pancake Day wouldn't be Pancake Day without flipping pancake races! We had so much fun!

Term 3



This term we are learning all about Space and we are focusing on the brilliant 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram.

We're going to be busy role playing being Bob, describing his super space suit, spotting sneaky aliens and suggesting what he should have for lunch on the moon!


In Maths we will be looking at time and sequencing Bob's day on the moon. We will be focusing on o'clock and will also be sharing between 2, 5 and 10 by using objects and arrays.


This term we are looking at materials. We will be carrying out lots of investigations into materials and their properties and of course building up to our big finale... building rockets!!!

Term 2

Terrible claws and terrible jaws!

This term our topic is based around the Julia Donaldson favourite 'The Gruffalo'!


In English we will be focusing on 'The Gruffalo' and will be doing some exciting role play. We have been sequencing the story using 'Story Whoosh!' which was lots of fun! Have a look at some of our photos below...

We also will be exploring all of the animal characters in detail and will be writing about each of them. This story really is a favourite of ours! We will be completing a book review and discussing what we liked best about the story.


We have been busy learning all about partitioning numbers into tens and ones.

We also have been using money to pay for items and we have been adding up coins to find a total.

Black History Week

We have been learning all about Louis Armstrong. We love his music- especially his song 'What a wonderful world'.

We have listened to his music, made a 'Jazz Cloud' using adjectives to describe his music and how it makes us feel, written about his life and illustrated lyrics of his songs...

Term 1


This term our topic is flight and we have been busy learning all things that fly. Thank you for the brilliant home challenge projects. We love our classroom being full of beautiful hot air balloons, planes, kites and pretty birds!


We started off the term by writing about a Disney Pixar Film called 'For the Birds'. We loved this! We role played, wrote speech bubbles and thought about what we would do if we were in that situation. Purple Class all agreed that we would help the big bird by some very imaginative methods!


We also read Martin Waddell's wonderful 'Owl babies' and had a go at role playing Sarah, Percy and Bill. We loved acting out the roles and came up with amazing adjectives to describe characters feelings, the setting and appearance.


This term we have been so busy adding and subtracting, using number croc to find more than, less than and equal to, finding number bonds to 10 and even finding time to program Beebot using positional language. Have a look at us at work below!

Let's go fly a kite!

We recycled some old plastic bags Mrs Quinn had in her cupboard and made some kites. Luckily we had a nice windy day to fly them!


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