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Westmeads Community Infant School

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Charity Fundraising

At Westmeads we are really proud of the work that we do for local, national and international charities. Each term we support something different either because it has directly affected our school community or because there is a national crisis or need for funds. 


We also have an ongoing association with the charity ZANE, (Zimbabwe a National Emergency) and have funded 2 operations for children born with club foot; an outdoor classroom and nutritious food to help sustain children on their long walk to school.  

Red Nose Day


The School Council held a meeting and it was decided to 'Wear something red' on: Friday 18th March.


Ms White has also passed their request to hold a disco per year group in the afternoon.


Donations for this fantastic charity will be able to be given by clicking here to go to the school's justgiving page. 

Children in Need


Children in Need is taking place on Friday, 19th November and the School Council have voted that they would like the children (and staff) to come to school wearing ‘something spotty’.  The children will also be having a ‘Pudsey Fun Afternoon’, involving music, games and activities. You can donate to our Children in Need donation page by clicking here: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=5538 


We suggest a donation of £1.00. This is a direct BBC donations page specifically for Westmeads, with 99.25% of donations going directly to the charity.

Harvest Appeal


We were delighted to welcome Canterbury and District Food Bank into our school for a special Harvest Festival Assembly on Wednesday 13th October.


After the children found out what a wonderful job they do, helping out Families in our Community, we received a great response for the goods that they need to carry out their great work. Thank you for your support.

Food Bank Appeal


We want to say a huge thank you to all those who have donated so generously to the Canterbury Food Bank appeal.  We have had a wonderful response as you can see from the photo, which will help many families over the summer period.  Thank you!

Guinea Pigs fundraising campaign


Our school guinea pigs are a joy to be around for the children (and staff) but we need your help to continue to provide for their daily needs.  Please click on the link below to go to our fundraising campaign for our school guinea pigs and please share with your friends and family.

Red Nose Day 2021

On Friday. 19th March it was Red Nose Day and our School Council invited everyone to wear clothes inside out or back to front on the day for a small donation.


Please do not bring money into school but instead please click on the link Westmeads charity page to donate to Comic Relief.


The children and staff alike had a wonderful day doing fun activities and appreciated the delicious 'Red Nose' biscuits made by Mrs Ball and her team.


We also had a staff 'dance off' to the Macarena, which as you can imagine was hilarious for the children and embarrassing for the staff who took part!  To view the dance video see the link below. The winner, as voted for by the children was Mrs McGrath for her original take on the dance!


Thank you to all those who have donated to our fundraising page; You managed to raise the fantastic amount of £645.00.  Well done everyone!

Children in Need 2020

We all had fun on Friday (13th November), wearing 'something that makes us happy' and raising money for Children in Need. We talked about how important it is to raise money for others who are not as fortunate as we are and reminded ourselves of the five things we all need to do to thrive. 


Thank you for your generous donations. We have raised the fantastic amount of £453.00 for Children in Need so far.  Well done everyone!


If you still wish to give a donation please click on our JustGiving page. Westmeads JustGiving Child in Need page.


Thank you for your support.

Harvest Food Bank Collection

As part of our Harvest celebrations that took place on Wednesday, 14th October 2020, we invited the children to bring in food donations for the Canterbury and District Food Bank.  We were so grateful for the wonderful donations that were received and we want to thank our families so much for their support, especially at this difficult time.


The Food Bank volunteers came to pick up the food we had collected to distribute to those who are in need of this valuable resource.


We marked World Mental Health Day on Friday, 9th October 2020, where the children and staff wore something yellow and had thought-provoking sessions throughout the day on how to look after their well-being.  The children have been enjoying undertaking good deeds to raise money for the charity Young Minds. Thank you to our families and to the children for the wonderful donations so far. You can donate via School Gateway up until the end of term. We will let you know the total raised after half term.


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