School Council Archive: 2019 - 2020

Sport Relief Letter from School Council March 2020
Term 1
Our new School Councillors had a busy first meeting this week, sharing ideas about what School Council is and what their role will entail. Their first discussion was about Children in Need and they all came up with some very good fund raising ideas. A final decision on how Westmeads will raise money for this charity will be made at our next meeting.
November 2019
Our School Councillors wrote to parents to let them know about 'being spotty' for Children in Need on 15th November. On the day, children and staff dressed up in spotty clothes or accessories or even had spots or Pudsey Bear painted on them with face paints! We had a special assembly and raised a pretty impressive £246.14 for Children in Need.
CACoT Environment Meeting for Parents and Children
On Thursday 28th November our Year 2 School Councillors went to Swalecliffe Primary school to take part in a meeting to share ideas of ways in which we can support our environment. Parents and carers were invited to attend and join in too.
We took part in two fun activities: a relay race to sort rubbish and a mosaic activity using plastic bottle tops. Part of the morning was spent listening to Carolyn Thomas, as Eco assessor for the Green Flag award. Westmeads has already submitted our application for the Green Flag and we are awaiting our assessment in the new year.
We also spent time discussing simple ways we can all adopt in school (and also at home) to try and positively affect our environment. We thought we might like to introduce more bird boxes and bug hotels into our grounds, to attract more wildlife. We had a great time at Swalecliffe School and even got to play in their playground for a bit.
Following on from the CACoT Children and Parent Forum at Swalecliffe School, Nick Gurr, Ava's grandad very kindly built us these super boxes to put in our grounds. One is a bug hotel and the other is a bird box. Ava was particularly keen to have these in school and chose the colour herself!
Thank you so much Mr Gurr!