“REMINDER: The Kent and Medway School Aged Immunisation Service is coming to school soon to carry out Flu Immunisation Programme for pupils in Years R - 6 – don’t forget to consent or decline before the cut-off date via their website Immunisation Team | Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust ( .
You can also phone the team 0300 123 5205, text 07401320923 or use their web chat if you have any questions about your child’s immunisations.”
Easter Egg Competition
April 2022
This Easter the children took part in a community project run by Tesco. They had to design an Easter egg and also come up with a new Easter Egg flavour. The winning designers won a chocolate Easter bunny, with all children who took part receiving a small chocolate egg too! Thank you to Tesco for donating the eggs to the school. Here are our wonderful winners below.

Christmas Light Fundraiser
One of our Mid-day Supervisors, Mrs Masters, undertook a Christmas Lights Fundraiser over the holiday period. She wanted to share fun and festivities with the local community and raise much needed funds for the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance, who rely solely on donations to keep flying. In the display there were 20,000 led bulbs, 46 plugs, 650m of cables, Christmas songs, clouds of scented pine, millions of snowflakes, a singing Nutcracker, Santa flying an inflatable helicopter and lots of happy faces!
Thank you so much to everyone who came to enjoy the lights, dance in the snow and give generously to help raise a fantastic £1007.03!!. Mrs Masters and her family are truly grateful for the support for this great charity. If you missed it look out for more fundraising lights next Christmas