Year R - Orange Class
Mrs Quinn and Mrs Frattaroli would like to welcome you to Orange Class

Term 6
Make the world a better place
'How can we make our world a better place?'
Sports Practise
We have had fun practising for Sports Morning! We have been running, balancing, throwing and practising the egg and spoon race.

Term 5
'On the go'
Where shall we go and how shall we get there?
The Naughty Bus!
This term we will be reading the 'Naughty Bus' by Jan and Jerry Oke. The children will have opportunities to recreate their favourite scenes from the story, make bus books and perhaps even write their own versions!
The Naughty Bus visits the beach!
We took the Naughty Bus on one of our beach walks and it had lots of fun exploring the beach! Have a look at what it got up to...
Naughty Bus bus stop
The children loved the pages in the story that showed lots of toys waiting at the Naughty Bus bus stop, so we made our very own! The children made 3D shape buildings for the background then designed and labelled their own character to wait at the bus stop. We think it looks brilliant!

Easter Egg Hunt
On the first day back after the Easter holidays the children went on an Easter Egg hunt arount the school. Luckily we found all the clues and were treated to a surprize from the Easter bunny!

Scooter Workshop
We had Scooter man Sam come to visit us and all had a go at the scooter workshop. We all were really brave and used two- wheeled scooters to practise on. It was so much fun!
Term 4
'Bear Adventures!'
This term we will be reading the story 'A Brave Bear' by Sean Taylor. We will be revealing the story slowly and will be exploring the characters and settings in-depth. We can't wait to find out all about it!
Chris Wormell Visit!
The author and illustrator Chris Wormwll came to visit us on Monday 4th March. He read us one of his fantastic stories and created a brilliant creature for our class. Have a look at it below!

In P.E we have been using the benches and mats to begin our gymnastics unit. We have had lots of fun balancing and experimenting with ways of travelling across the benches!

Pancake Races!
We had so much fun taking part in the pancake races with Yellow Class on Pancake Tuesday! Our flipping skills however could use a little work...!

Trip to the woods!
We all had a brilliant time visiting the forest school woodland area at Swalecliffe School. The children explored the woods, going over, under, around and through! We also loved having another trip on our school mini bus!

We're going on a bear hunt!
After our woodland adventure, we decided to use our imagnations to go on a bear hunt around the school. We found places to re-enact the 'swishy swahy grass', the 'thick oozy mud', the 'cold river' and the 'narrow, gloomy cave'.

Term 3
'Commotion in the Ocean'
Puffin Peter
We are focusing on the story 'Puffin Peter' to start this term. The children have loved describing the appearance of the puffin on the front cover using adjectives.
Firefighter Fit Kids!
The children had so much fun taking part in the HIIT session! It required lots of energy and we all certainly needed a big drink of water afterwards!

Reading Buddies
Each Friday afternoon, some of the Year 2 pupils are coming to visit our class to be our 'Reading Buddies'. Have a look at some of the reading we have done together so far...

Superhero Workshop
We were treated to a 'Perform Superhero workshop. We had so much fun taking part in the story and pretending to be superheroes!

Term 2
Let's Celebrate!
This term we will be learning about lots of different celebrations! We will be reading stories about celbrations, learning about celebrations from different traditions and cultures and ofcourse, will be celebrationg Christmas at the end of term!
We have been finding out all about the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali. The children listened to the story of Rama and Sita and the demon king Ravana. We had a busy week of role playing, making missing posters and bridges and had lots of fun tasting Indian food!

We have been learning all about 2D shapes in class. We learned about squares, rectangles, triangle, circles, ovals, hexagons and pentagons. We then went on a shape hunt around the school to try to spot some of these shapes in the school environment...
Children In Need
We had so much fun dressing up in our pyjamas for Children in Need! We loved the book swap and were all very happy with our new books... Have a look at us all below!
Road Safety Week
This week the children have been thinking about ways to keep safe when walking, scooting or cycling by a road. They practiced holding hands and crossing the road on the playground either by using the zebra crossing or where the adult was holding the lollipop. Some children pretended to be the traffic and drove the bikes around, remember to stop and wait to let people cross the road. The children were so inspired that they set up their own roadway in the outside area using the bricks, taking turns with the road signs and traffic lights in different areas.
Our Christmas Nativity!
The children did amazingly in our Christmas Nativity performance! They sang, acted and joined in beautifully... We were so very proud of them all!
Trip to Seasalter Christian Centre
To celebrate the Christian Nativity Story, we visitied Seasalter Christian Centre. The children took part in dressing up as Nativity characters, they made their own Christingle and even had a lots of fun bouncing on a bouncy castle! This was also our first trip on the new school mini-bus and the children loved every minute!

Christmas Activity Morning!
We all had such fun at the Christmas Activity Morning! We made reindeer food and Christmas decorations. Thank you to all the Friends of Westmeads for organising it all.

Father Christmas visited!
We were so excited when we heard the jingle bells coming towards our classroom! Father Christmas gave us all a present and asked us what we would like him to bring us on Christmas Day!

Term 1
All About Me!
This term we have been learning all about eachother! We have been doing lots of speaking and listening to eachother. We were set a home task to make an 'All About Me' Box. Have a look at the brilliant boxes below...
My First Day at School
Have a look at our fun first day at school photos below!
We have had fun painting and using the computer to create our own portraits! Can you spot anyone you know???

Our first few weeks...
We have been learning to use the different areas of the classroom independently. We now know where all the equipment is kept in the classroom, including the puzzles and games.
We have learnt how to control different tools such as paintbrushes, glue sticks and scissors safely and carefully.
We have been using our imaginations in the home corner and have had lots of fun making drawing, making patterns and playing with our new friends.

We have loved trying Mrs.Ball's fantasic recipes each lunchtime!

Stick Stories
We have been reading the stories 'Stanley's Stick' by John Hegley and 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson. The children were then inspired to use their imagination to come with their own unique stick creations. Have a look at some of them below...