Year R - Yellow Class
Mrs Watkins and Mrs Wardle would like to welcome you to
Yellow Class

Home Learning
Please keep an eye on this page as we will continue to add more resources and ideas for home learning activities.
Please note that you should only click on the YouTube links in the packs and NOT type them into your browser, as you may find this takes you to an unsuitable site.
Term 6
Blue Classroom tour

Message from Mrs Quinn

Message from Mrs Stafford

Hello from Mrs Watkins 26.06.20

Wake Up, Shake Up dances
New dances to enjoy at home with the whole family.
Mrs Watkins Virtual Sports Week Challenge 05.06.20

Term 5
Hello from Mrs Watkins 22.05.20

Spelling Shed
You can now access the Reception word lists on Spelling Shed. Log in as normal to Spelling Shed then select 'More Lists'. Under 'My Lists' there will be a range of Phase 2 sounds and words for you to practise.
Hello Yellow Class

Term 4
'Out and About'
Where could we go and how could we get there?
An 'egg-citing' discovery!
The children were very excited to find a large red and gold egg in the Reception garden. They decided to build a nest to keep it safe using twigs, leaves, grass and line it with soft material. The children have been using their senses to see if they can work out what is inside the egg; some ideas are a dragon, a lizard, a dinosaur or a unicorn! They are going to continue to look after the egg and wait to see what happens.

Meet the Monsters!
This week we introduced our new story. On Monday the children discovered some footprints in the playground and thought about who they might belong to.

They have been very busy making their own monsters on the creation station, designing and describing monsters on the office table and creating monstrous creatures on the computer and with the construction! The children thought of different ways to describe monsters from the story.

In Maths we have read Abigail by Catherine Rayner. Abigail is a curious giraffe who loves to count. The children have enjoyed counting flowers, leaves and stars in the book and have been on a counting treasure hunt in the garden. We have practised lining objects up to count correctly and remembered to point to objects as we count them.
With Mrs Diamond the children have enjoyed playing chime bars in time to 'A Sailor Went to Sea'. They discussed the difference between high and low notes and how the chime bars made sounds.
Term 3
'Magic and Mayhem'
Who does this belong to?
Gingerbread People
The children had great fun making their own gingerbread characters. First they had to follow the gingerbread recipe (from Willow the witch's house) to combine all the ingredients together to make the dough and then carefully cut out the people shapes. Once the gingerbread was cooked, they decorated their gingerbread using sultanas, cherries, chocolate drops, marshmallows and icing.
The children enjoyed reading other stories about gingerbread characters, including 'The Gingerbread Man'. They created their own story character models and puppets in the classroom and acted out their own stories.
Reading Trail
The children discovered a set of clues in the classroom. They read each of the clues carefully, following the trail around the school, until they discovered a friendly witch at the end with a special treat for everyone!
Chinese New Year
Yellow class enjoyed their Chinese lunch at school and found out how people celebrate Chinese New Year at this time of year. They found out that this year is the Year of the Rat!
Music with Mrs Diamond
The children have enjoyed learning new songs (including a song about a witch), playing musical games and learning about different instruments. Recently they discussed the difference between a guitar and a ukulele!

Hubble and Bubble!
Inspired by the book 'Spells and Smell' by Nick Sharratt, the children created their own magic spells on potion bottles. Look out for the hairy spiders and jumping frogs!
In PE the children have been travelling around the hall in different ways and then carefully finding their 'magic spots'. They have started to use the large apparatus, exploring ways to travel along the benches and mats using different parts of their body and then jumping off safely.

A Box Full of Magic
The children were very excited to find a box wrapped up in black fabric and left in the classroom. Inside the box there was;
a magic spell book
a 'Winnie the Witch' story
puppets of a witch, wizard, fairy and a dragon
a bat
a cat
magic wands
a mirror
a large diamond jewel
magic wand writing pens
potion bottles
a cauldron
The children decided that the things must have belonged to either a witch or a wizard!
Beauty and the Beast Pantomime
As a 'stunning start' to our topic about magic, mayhem and lots more to do with fairy tales, the children enjoyed watching a pantomime this week when Beauty and the Beast visited Westmeads!
Term 2
'A Long Time Ago'
What do you remember?
Christmas Post
The children have been busy practising their writing this term and have enjoyed writing for lots of different purposes. This included letters, shopping lists and Christmas cards.
After performing the Christmas Nativity, they decided that it would be a nice idea to write about what character they were in the performance. They wanted to tell their families about it, so have written a postcard home! Look out for your exciting delivery, it’s on the way.
Christmas Lunch
Everyone enjoyed their Christmas lunch in the hall together with the rest of the school.
Christmas Activity Morning
The children enjoyed the Christmas craft day. They had fun creating their angels and Christmas trees and were excited to see whether they could get the hoop on Rudolph's antlers. When they returned to the classroom, they had a very special visitor and were all eager to ask lots of questions and tell him what they would like for Christmas.

Trip to Seasalter Christian Centre
Yellow Class and Orange Class had a great time when they visited Seasalter Christian Centre. The children were so excited to travel in the school minibus! Once they arrived at the centre they listened to Christmas stories, made a christingle and then completed a Christmas activity sheet before heading back to school on the minibus. It was a fun-filled morning!

Christmas Nativity
Thank you for coming to watch the Christmas Nativity. We have had a very busy but fun time perfecting our performance. The children were brilliant and really enjoyed themselves on stage; it was a great start to the Christmas period. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Children in Need
The children enjoyed their very 'spotty' day to raise money for Children in Need. As well as wearing spotty clothes, they created their own versions of Pudsey bear and played 'spotty' games.

Remembrance Day
The children created their own poppies to wear and display in school. After watching the 'Poppies' animation, they sat quietly for two minutes at eleven o'clock as a mark of respect.
This week we have been finding out about the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali. The children have enjoyed reading to the story 'Rama and the Demon King' and finding out about Rama, Sita and Ravana. We have had a busy week of role playing the story, creating 'Missing Person' posters, creating clay diva lamps and building bridges to rescue Sita.

We finished the week tasting different Indian food and participating in an Indian dance workshop as part of our own Diwali celebration!

Indian Food Tasting
Indian Dance Workshop
Term 1
'New Beginnings'
Will you be my friend?
Autumn Walk
As our marble treat this term Yellow Class went on an Autumn walk around the local area, looking at the different colours in the trees, spotting spider webs and listening for different birdsong.
Write Dance
The children have had great fun in our first P.E. lessons, dancing to the Volcano music in Write Dance. We practised the dance, moving around the hall, and then used these movements to make marks on paper on the floor.
World Mental Health Day
Everyone looked very bright and sunny in their yellow clothes and shoes as part of World Mental Health Day. The children enjoyed participating in activities throughout the day to keep their minds and bodies healthy and happy.
Thank you to all the families who raised money by filling the children's 'sunshine pockets' in aid of the charity YoungMindsUk.
Visit from Brogdale Farm
Mike from Brogdale Farm visited school as part of our Harvest Celebrations. He talked to the children about the different apples grown at Brogdale Farm and the children had the opportunity to taste some different types of apple. The children liked all the different apples that they got to eat!

Following on from this, Yellow and Orange class performed this apple song to the rest of the school as part of our Harvest celebration.
Kent Road Safety Club
Yellow Class enjoyed learning about Road Safety with Kip the Bear.
Blue Penguin

Once the children discovered that the story was set in Antarctica, they created their own setting in the tuff tray and used their senses to explore what they could see, feel, hear and smell. We talked about what sort of clothes we might have to wear to visit this place.

Using the colours from the illustration, the children were inspired to create their own artwork through collage and painting.

Our First Few Weeks...
We have been learning to use the different areas of the classroom independently. We now know where all the equipment is kept in the classroom, including the puzzles and games.

We have learnt how to control different tools such as a computer mouse, paintbrushes, glue sticks and scissors safely and carefully. We had to use good control with the paint and glue and remember to scrap the glue stick or paintbrush on the side of the pot so we didn't dribble across the table. We practiced carrying scissors safely to the table.

We learnt how to trace a picture and then had to add handwriting patterns using the special handwriting pens. We had to control the pen and pencil carefully to make different shapes and patterns. We found out where everything is kept on the office table area and learn how to tidy it away carefully in the right places ready for the next person. We always have to remember to write our name on our work!

We learnt how to use the playdough area and thought about the different things we could make using the different equipment. We explored rolling, pressing, squeezing and cutting the playdough.
We found out where all the dressing up clothes are kept and practiced getting ourselves dressed and undressed into the costumes independently. We used our imagination to act in the role play house, pretending to do the jobs in the kitchen and taking on different roles.

We learnt about where the construction and small world equipment are kept. We learnt to work as a team and carry the boxes with a friend to the classroom. We used our imaginations to create different worlds and models.

We have made the most of the sunny weather and being outside. We have been learning about how to use the different areas of the Reception garden, playing with all the different equipment in the playground and learning to get on and off safely and carefully.

First Day at School