Year 1 - Purple Class
Welcome to Purple Class
Mr Wraight, Mrs McGrath and Mrs Wright
Term 6
'Oh I do like to be beside the Victorian seaside!'
How did Victorian children have fun?
This term we are all thinking about what life might have been like for children in Victorian times with a particular focus on the seaside. So far, we have taken part in a whole school Victorian dress up day and the children got to experience what it might have been like to go to school in Victorian times.
The children had great fun learning about how children learned and some children were really good sports experiencing what it might have felt like to wear the dunces hat and stand in the corner.
Do look out for some photographs of this event, coming soon....

This term in English we are going to be writing some non-fiction reports about life in Victorian times and watching Horrible History clips and Magic Granddad clips and writing about what we see. We will have a big focus on presentation and handwriting again this term, as we begin to think about our transition into year 2. We will write with accurate punctuation and learn some different strategies for spelling common words.
This term we are going to be starting to think about fractions of shapes and amounts. We will then move on to think about 3D shapes, time and money. We will continue to work sequentially, making links to our previous learning along the way. 'Motty' our maths of the day mascot is looking forward to seeing us taking part on more fun and exciting outdoor maths activities.
Watch this space for some more photographs of us in action!
This term we are learning all about maps. We are beginning to represent our classroom and playground thinking about 'birds eye view'. We will be learning about how to use a map to navigate to a place and to find some 'treasure'.
Do come in on Family Feedback Friday and take a look in your children's books to see their fantastic map work - we are certainly very impressed in school!
Term 5
All Things Great and Small
How are we different?
This term we are learning about 'all things great and small', including animals, mini beasts and humans. We will be thinking about similarities and differences between different animals and will be led by the interests and questions that the children have, following our discussions. Take a look at what we would like to find out in our curriculum books.
In English this term we will be reading the books, 'Augustus and his Smile' by Catherine Rayner', 'The Bear and the Piano' by David Litchfield and 'The Important Book' by Margaret Wise Brown. We will be writing adjectives to describe, using the joining word 'and' to extend our sentences and writing short narratives. We are also having an increased focus on handwriting as we begin to join some of our letters.

Tuesday 24th April - Our Smile Hunt
Today we have been on a hunt for our smile just like Augustus. We walked towards Tankerton looking for something that would make us smile. We visited the castle and played in the Pirate Castle play park. This made us all smile and we thought about how doing things that we enjoy once we have perhaps had to endure something we were less keen on (like walking up big hills on the way there! ) makes them all the more worthwhile.
Take a look at the pictures of us smiling like Augustus!

In Maths, we will be kicking of the term by looking at measurement and capacity. In the first week back we had an animal attacked where the children had to measure different footprints; it was great fun. The children now know how to use a ruler using centimeters. Next week we will be looking at capacity and how we can measure liquid. Later on in the term we will looking at repeated addition and division (grouping and sharing).

Magic Maths
Today we have been learning about capacity. We had to make a potion to see if we could change Mrs Lambirth into a Tiger or a Rabbit. We had to use ingredients like rabbits droppings and mouldy tea. We had lots of fun and measured accurately using full cups of each ingredient. We learned about being accurate and consistent so that all potions were the same.
Take a look at us in action...

MATHS OF THE DAY - Tuesday 8th May
Today we have been starting to think about representing numbers using arrays.
We went outside and our 'maths of the day' mascot Motty helped us to represent numbers in arrays using cones. It was great fun and we started to think about how we might say these arrays in different number sentences. Take a look at us in action!

This term we are learning how to play Hockey and Football. As the weather gets better we hope to be able to have our lessons outside. Please do make sure that everyone has the appropriate kit in school so that everyone can take part.
In Football, so far we have learned how to control the ball when it is passed to us and how to carefully dribble the ball. We are looking forward to developing our skills enough to compete in some small friendly matches with Blue Class.
In Hockey we have been learning how to hold the stick and control the ball when it is passed to us. We have also been learning how to hit the ball with control and accuracy. Take a look at us in action!
Term 4
This term our topic is 'Transport'.We will be thinking about the question 'How do we get there?'. At the beginning of term, the children shared some things they would like to investigate and learn more about over the course of this term; we will start to investigate these in the next few weeks.
We kicked off the term with a special visit from the author Sally Grindley (she has written over 150 books). We had the pleasure of listening to Sally read one of her books called 'Shhh'.
We also got to ask Sally questions about what it is like to write stories. We were all inspired to keep our writing neat and to make sure we always read it through.
We have been learning some very tricky skills in maths.
We have been learning about something called PLACE VALUE. We found out that place value tells us the value of each number. We have also learned how to partition a number in 10's and 1's.
We have been using sticks to show that we understand how to represent a number.
Term 3
How did they build that?

This term our topic is ‘Structures’ and we are thinking about the question ‘How did they built that?’. The children have worked together to decide upon some things they would like to find out more about and in addition to these, we will be discussing different types of structure and visiting Canterbury Cathedral to learn about how this structure was made.
This term we are thinking about books that involve different types of structures. We are starting with 'Tiny' by Paul Rogers and Korky Paul. We are going to make our own versions of the story and create mini books. We are thinking carefully about our presentation, particularly our handwriting this term too!
We will also look at some other high quality texts: 'Tin Forest' by Helen Ward and 'The River' by Marc Martin. We will be thinking about writing letters and describing the settings from these stories.

This term we are learning different skills to help us add and subtract including count on and back. We are using our 'Maths of the Day' mascot Motty to motivate us to be great maths learners and are looking forward to completing some more fun and challenging problems.
This term, Year 1 would like to regain the Buster’s reading trophy as last term it was mainly shared between Year R and Year 2. We started the year so well and would like to get back to that. Remember, reading every day is really important, particularly on a Wednesday night and don’t forget to record how many minutes your child has read for on the bookmark! Let’s work together to get the reading trophy back into Year 1!
We will also continue to use the school library this term. Remember, the designated library day for Purple Class is Tuesday and for Blue class it is Thursday. Please can you ensure that your children brings their library book in on the relevant day to change. Thank you.
This term we are going to be learning outdoors at least once a week. Our outdoor learning session will take place on a Monday Afternoon (although we do take our learning outside at other times). During this time, all children will go outside and their learning will be based around the outdoor environment. This term we wil be thinking about structures and will have a go at building shelters and dens using different materials. We are also going to explore the school environment and think of ways to enhance it, with a particular focus on looking after the mini-beasts. The children already have some great ideas about creating ‘bug hotels’ and ‘mini-beast shelters’. During this time, Blue and Purple class will be working closely together giving the children the opportunity to learn with different children.
Watch this space for some pictures of us learning outdoors!
Term 2
Heroes and Villains
What makes you a hero or villain?
This Term we are looking at heroes and villains. We are asking ourselves What makes a hero or villain? The children have discussed this question and have come up with lots of ideas and further questions they would like to explore throughout the term. We will be kicking off the term by looking at Guy Fawkes and working out whether he was a hero or a villain.
Thank you for your fantastic home challenge work there are some great examples that you can have a look at in the classroom.
We have had a really exciting day today in Purple Class re-enacting the Gunpowder Plot and having fun being members of King James I's royal court!
We started the day being greeted by King James I (Mr Wraight) at the door and went on to create our own crowns to make us feel just as Royal. Once we were feeling suitably regal, we worked together to create a model of the Houses of Parliament; for us to meet together to discuss really important issues.
Whilst all this was going on, Blue class were busy creating hats and gunpowder, plotting against us with Guy Fawkes (Miss Boxer).
In the afternoon, we set off to the Houses of Parliament (the hall!) to meet and discuss those really important issues. Unfortunately when we got there, we discovered that Guy Fawkes and his friends (Blue Class) were there and had planted some gunpowder in the cellar, so we had to get together and arrest Guy Fawkes and his friends!
We then recited together:
'Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot'
Take a look at the photographs to see how much fun we had!
Pizza Express Trip
We had a fantastic day today at Pizza Express, learning about how to make a pizza by having a go at shaping the dough, adding tomato sauce (or Pasata!) and adding Mozarella cheese.
We then watched as the Pizza's were placed in the oven to cook!
The best bit (well for Mr Wraight and Mrs McGrath anyway!) was when we were back in school and got to eat what we had made - it was yummy!
Take a look at the photographs of us having a great time...

This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and his failed attempt at blowing u the Houses of Parliament.
We have drawn sketches of Guy Fawkes and thought about adjectives to describe him.
We also learned about why we celebrate bonfire/firework night on the 5th November and wrote acrostic FIREWORK poems in our English work.
We have also talked about keeping ourselves safe when near fireworks or bonfires.
This term we are focusing on story telling in our writing and will be reading the stories 'There is no dragon in this story' by Lou Carter and 'The Paper bag Princess' by Robert Munsch. The children will have the opportunity to explore what makes a good story and attempt to write their own stories with distinct beginnings, middles and endings.
We will also be going on beach walks this term and look forward to taking part in lots of drama activities linked to these stories. Please sign up to help us walk to and from the beach as without your support we are not able to take the children.
Term 1
Food, Glorious Food!
Is this healthy or not?

Arcimboldo Art
We have really enjoyed learning about Arcimboldo and recreating some of his work using leftover fruit and vegetables. I am sure you will agree, our efforts are fantastic and that there are some budding artists in Purple Class!
Favourite Foods
A big thank you to all the children who have taken photographs of themselves eating their favourite foods. We will be displaying these in the cloakroom area - do pop in and have a look. There is still time to bring in your photograph if you have not yet done so!
We have started our exciting Year 1 writing journey looking at the classic picture book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We have used this text to help us to remember the days of the week and begin to learn to spell these. we have enjoyed memorising the different foods that the caterpillar ate each day.
We have also been learning about the countries of the UK and their capital cities. To coincide with our topic, we have also tasted some traditional foods from each country.
We had great fun tasting and came up with some fantastic adjectives to describe what we could taste, smell, feel and see.

The children have had a great start back, and have been really busy in maths. In Week 1 we read Eric Carle's 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' in which the children had to order correctly the days of the week; The children also did some counting and addition. This week we have been focusing on number bonds to 10 (perhaps you could try this at home). We have been using 'Maths of the Day' activities, counters and 10 frames to do lots of practical activities.
In Science this term we are learning about 'animals including humans' and will be looking at different animal groups (mammals, reptiles etc), parts of the human body and how to stay fit and healthy.

This term our PE is Netball and Tennis. Our PE days this term are Monday and Friday - please make sure you have your PE kit in school on these days.
We are very excited that our Tennis lessons are being taught by a qualified tennis coach from Appeti Tennis - we look forward to learning some great new skills.
In Netball we are learning all of the skills required to play a successful game including travelling, passing and shooting, as well as teamwork.