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Year 1 - Blue Class

Welcome to Blue Class!

Miss Boxer, Mrs McGrath and Mrs Wardle would like to welcome you to Blue Class.

Term 6 

Image result for big top

What happens under the Big Top?


This term our topic is ‘The Circus; this is a whole school theme. We will be thinking about the question ‘What happens under the Big Top?’’ The children have come up with some things that they would like to investigate and learn more about during this term, so we will be beginning to explore all of those areas very soon.

Image result for circus clipartImage result for circus clipart


In English we will be continuing to work on our sentences. The children will work on finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and begin to experiment and use adjectives to extend their writing.

Our English journey will be focusing on the book Leon and the Place Between’ by Grahame Baker-Smith; this a fantastic book full of wonderful illustrations and uses a lot of ‘suspense’ writing, which we know will really captivate the children’s imagination. In preparation for Year 2 we will be encouraging the children to write a greater amount.

Image result for leon and the place between

Term 5

'Hats Off'

Who wears a hat like this?

This term our topic is Hats! We will be thinking about the question ‘Who wears a hat like this?’ The children have come up with some things that they would like to investigate and learn more about during this term.



In English we will be continuing to work on our sentences. The children will continue to work on finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and beginning to experiment and use adjectives to extend their writing. Our English journey will be focussing on the author Jon Klassen. He has written some wonderful books that not only use creative language but also delightful illustrations. He is one of Miss Boxer's favourite authors!

Image result for I want my hat backImage result for we found a hatImage result for this is not my hat


Term 4

'Ahoy there'

North, South, East, West

This term we're learning about Pirates and how to become one!

We're going to be super busy preparing for our Pirate Performance at the end of term too!

Image result for pirate



Gruffalo Science Workshop

Term 3

Image result for space lettering

What happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?


Image result for space

This term our theme is 'Space'. The children are very excited and have come up with some fantastic questions.




This term we are reading ‘The Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. Perhaps you have heard people talk about him? You may know him better as the MAN ON THE MOON! Bob has a very special job - looking after the moon. We will finding out what it takes to be a great astronaut and writing letters from space and much more. Stay tuned to find out if aliens are real!

Image result for man on the moon a day in the life of bob

Image result for man on the moon a day in the life of bob


This term we have been learning how to tell the time, count on a number line, count up in 2s and 10s, use arrays to help us share and multiply and lots more. It has already been a very busy term! Perhaps you could help by making sure we are writing our numbers round the right way at home; sometimes we still forget especially 2 and 5 as they can be quite tricky!


Horsebridge Artwork


We have worked really hard on our painting skills and together as year group produced a beautiful piece of art. The art was inspired by a poem about the sea and waves.

Term 2

Image result for terrible teeth in his terrible jawsTerrible Claws and Terrible Jaws...Image result for terrible claws gruffalo


This term we are looking at the ‘Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. We will be exploring different characters from the book and experimenting with our own monster creations. Later on in the term we will be looking at the sequel ‘ The Gruffalo's Child’ around Christmas.  



Image result for gruffalo


In English we will be focusing on 'The Gruffalo' and will be doing some exciting role play!

We have been thinking about setting and imaging what the 'Deep Dark Wood' would be like. We have been experimenting with adjectives by using sense grids to help. 

Image result for deep dark wood gruffalo



We have been busy learning all about partitioning numbers into tens and ones.

We also have been using money to pay for items and we have been adding coins up to find a total.

We have been learning our 10x table as well, so make sure you test us to see how quick we can be! 


Image result for 10x table


Black History Week

Image result for louis armstrong

We have been learning all about Louis Armstrong. We love his music- especially his songs 'What a wonderful world' and 'When the Saints'.

We have listened to his music, made a 'Jazz Cloud' using adjectives to describe his music and how it makes us feel, written about his life and illustrated lyrics of his song.

You did some great research for your homework it was wonderful to see the children engaging with a different genre of music. 




Term 1


Image result for hot air balloonFlight Image result for blue tit

This term our theme is Flight’ we will be unpicking the many different ways of flying. Thank you for your amazing contributions; our class looks like an aviation museum!


Image result for hot air balloon



At the start of this term we will be looking at a short Pixar film clip and using it as stimulus to role-play and explore the characters. Following this we will be looking at the book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. We will be giving the children an opportunity to explore description by looking at setting and characters. We will be writing using simple sentences remembering…

Image result for handwriting clipart


Full stops


Capitals letters       Image result for capital letter


Finger spaces      Image result for finger clipart


And remembering to also try and present our work beautifully. 

This term in maths we are looking at lots of different things! We will be doing a lot of number work such as number bonds to 10 and adding and subtracting. As well as this we will be using out friend Number Croc to decide what is more than, less than or equal to.  The children will be using Numicon to help them to build their skills and further their independence. Watch out for Friday Problem Solving - don't forget to ask your child which challenge they attempted - Green, Orange or Red?


Image result for number bond rainbow


Image result for number gator

Click Number Croc to listen to his song!


This term in Science we are looking at the human body, healthy living and classifying animals. We started off by sorting animals into groups...



Image result for bird     



Image result for cute mammal



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Image result for reptile   


Image result for amphibian


We then looked at the human body and how to stay fit and healthy. We drew round a member of our group and then labelled all the outside body parts.


Margaret the Scarecrow


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