Year 1 - Purple Class
Miss Wright and Mrs McGrath
would like to welcome you to
Purple Class

Term 6
Message from Miss Wright 8.6.20

Term 5
A Poem from Miss Wright 22.5.20

Video message from Miss Wright 1.5.20

Video message from Miss Wright 17.04.20

Video message from Miss Wright 27th March 2020

Term 4
Where the Wild Things Are
'What can be found in the wild?'
We have really enjoyed having the ducklings in school. We were lucky enough to watch the first egg as it hatched and we have since watched them splash and swim in water. More videos and photos to follow!
Duckling video

Book Week
We had an extremely exciting Book Week, where we had the opportunity to meet the author M.P. Robertson. We heard about how he writes and illustrates his stories, and he even showed us how to draw a dragon! We have also enjoyed taking part in lots of other reading related activities including a book character quiz and having stories read to us by staff from different classes.
Quantum Theatre
Quantum Theatre put on a fantastic show called ‘Calculating Mr One’. We were highly engaged and there were plenty of opportunities for audience participation so we were able to show off our excellent mathematical skills!
In Maths we have been learning to count, read and write numbers to 50, paying close attention to the place value in these numbers. We have been using lots of practical resources to help us such as dienes and tens frames. As well as this we have loved using the splat 100 square to find one more and one less than numbers and to practise our counting in twos, fives and tens.
In English we have enjoyed reading our new text ‘Wild’. We began by looking closely at the character on the front cover, thinking of words and phrases to describe them and making predictions about who they might be and where they might have come from. We have also focused on setting, using our outdoor classroom to sketch the woodland and wildlife and using our senses to think of words and phrases to describe it. This has helped us to write free-verse poetry in groups.
To start our new Science topic, ‘Plants’, we looked at real plants, learnt the names of the different parts and began to discuss their functions. We used art and craft to create our own plants using cupcake cases, string, seeds, pens and pencils and labelled the different parts. They look fantastic!
Term 3
'What's out there?'
This term we are learning all about Space! We will be reading the story, 'Man on The Moon' by Simon Bartram. The children will have lots of opportunities to read, write, role play and find out information about the moon and Space.
In Geography we will be using aerial images to explore our local area of Whitstable and looking at where it is in the UK. The children will work towards making and using simple maps.
We have been learning about Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. We worked in pairs to create a poster including lots of facts and information about him and his famous mission. We have also been spotting similarities and differences between two photographs of Cromwell Road, just outside our school. One photo was taken in the Edwardian era and the other is a recent photo. The children worked together to spot and record the similarities and differences on post-it notes. Have a look below...
We have been creating moon art. First we painted our background by mixing watercolours to create tones of grey. We use silver paint to give a starry sky effect. To create our moon we used free hand drawing to create craters. The finished pieces of work are fantastic!
In maths we have been revising number bonds to 10 and extending the children's knowledge to number bonds to 20. We have also been adding practically bridging ten by making 10 first using tens frames.
Term 2
This term we are learning all about toys! We will be looking at old and new toys and will be reading the text 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey.
We have been learning all about materials and their properties. We have identified and named materials such as wood, glass, plastic, metal, etc. and discussed their properties using our senses to help us. We have sorted and classified materials and particularly enjoyed going on a materials hunt! We look forward to taking part in some exciting investigations too!

This term we have focused on subtraction, shape and place value in numbers up to 20. We particularly enjoyed making 2D and 3D shape patterns by drawing, stamping and printing using paint. The children have been using a variety of manipulatives to represent numbers to 20, including diennes. We have also been having fun doing Maths on the beach each week. Thank you for our parent volunteers for making this possible.

The children have loved reading the story 'Traction Man is Here!' by Mini Grey. We have had lots of writing and role play opportunities over the last few weeks. We especially enjoyed freeze framing a scene from the story using facial expressions and body language to portray the feelings of characters and we also created our own diary entries for his adventures.
We were lucky enough to have Katie Blythe (Eva's mum from Blue class) come in to speak to us about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. This reinforced our RE learning from last term as we were thinking about the big question 'What does it mean to belong to a faith community?' We really enjoyed sampling Challah bread and listening to the blessings.
This term our big question is 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?'

Festive Fun!
Over the last couple of weeks we have really been getting into the Christmas spirit. We spent time rehearsing our songs for the KS1 Christmas Concert and enjoyed performing to Reception and our grown ups. Purple Class had a particularly tricky song but they did so well remembering the words and keeping in time on the day! We were also lucky enough to take part in some Christmas craft activities put on for us by the FOW and even had a visit from Santa! We will end the term with a delicious Christmas dinner!
Term 1
Amazing Animals!
This term our topic is 'Amazing Animals!' We will be reading the story, 'One day on our blue planet... In the Savannah' by Ella Bayley. The children will have reading and writing opportunities through this text. Keep an eye on this page to follow our learning journey as we will be slowly revealing the book...
In Maths we have been working practically using the signs >, < and =. We used the idea that the crocodile always snaps the greater number to help us understand these symbols. We have also been using the 'part-part-whole' model to add numbers. Some of the children even had a go at creating their own 'part-part-whole' models in the outside area using chalk and outside objects!
Mrs Diamond has been working with us throughout this term. We have been learning about rhythm through playing chime bars. We have been learning to sing in tune and have loved singing all of the animal songs! The photos below show us using props to respond to the mood of music.
Brogdale visit!
In preparation for our Harvest theme, we were lucky to have Mike from Brogdale come to visit us. We learnt all about where apples come from and even got to taste some of the different varieties.
Papa Vincent has made a welcome return and we are enjoying learning French through songs with him! We have been learning 'Old McDonald' in French and the children are picking up some French greetings and becoming more confident at using them each day.
Our trip to Bullockstone Farm!
We had a fantastic day at the farm this term. We got to meet lots of animals, including guinea pigs, sheep, ducks, ponies and even a llama! We were lucky enough to stroke some of them and help feed some too. The most special moment of the day was when the very shy donkey (Nellie) came over to us - the ladies at the farm said it was the first time he had ever done it! Miss Wright was really impressed with how sensible, calm and considerate we were around the animals.