Photo Gallery 2018/2019
Summer Fair
What a wonderful time we all had at our Summer Fair. I am sure you will agree that the Friends of Westmeads did a wonderful job. Thank you to everyone who contributed in some way to making this such a successful event.
We are pleased to confirm that we raised £2,350, which will be put towards the Outdoor Classroom.
Thank you all for your support. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Please tkae a look at the photos below that have been taken and supplied by Kimber Woodward Estate Agents.
Sports Morning
Our Sports morning took place on the 18th June (2019). It was wonderful to see so many of our parents/carers enjoying (participating in) the activities. The children were superb, we are sure you will agree.
Thank you to the staff team for supporting the children in this event.
CACoT Photo Exhibition
Our Year 2 pupils contributed photos to the CACoT photo exhibition at the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate. The Exhibition was called 'Seesighed' and had photos from all schools in the Coastal Alliance.
Scooter Workshop
All classes on the 2nd May (2019), took part in a scooter workshop run by Rubicon, where they were taught how to keep safe on their scooters and learnt some tricks too.
Morris Men display
The school was entertained by the Morris Dancers who visited us on the 1st May (2019) to celebrate 'May Day'.
Year 2 Music Concert
It was lovely to welcome Year 2 families to our Year 2 Music Concert on the 26th April (2019). The children played a variety of instruments including, violin, recorders, ukuleles; with choir taking part too. They were all fantastic!
A big thank you to Mrs Diamond-Jalloh for all her hard work with the children in learning their instruments, and to Mr Wraight for teaching the Year 2 choir.
Easter Egg Hunt
All the children took part in an Easter Egg Hunt on the 23rd April (2019). They all had a great time solving clues around the school to find their Easter eggs.
Thank you to the Friends of Westmeads for donating the chocolate eggs.
St George's Day
For St George's Day (23/04/19) the children (and adults) dressed up to mark the occasion. The fantastic outfits included, dragons, knights or dressing in red and white.
Stream Walk Community Gardens Visit
This week Year 2 went to visit the Stream Walk Community Gardens. Please see photos below of what they got up to.
Relatives' Afternoon
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Relatives' Afternoon on 29th March (2019). We do hope you enjoyed this popular event and, in particular, the fun activities including board games, craft activities and building the tallest structure from marshmellows and spaghetti!
Please see below photos of the event fun we had.
Westmeads' Tech Team
Thank you to Barnums School Wear for providing our Tech Team with their new bibs. Our Tech Team are our 'computing experts' for each class and help others during computing tasks.
Book Week and World Book Day
We have enjoyed our World Book Day and Book Week celebrations (March 2019), which included a wonderful visit from the author, Chris Wormell.
We loved seeing the children come in as ‘Where’s Wally’. Thank you for your support with this, they looked amazing!
Also thank you to all the parents/grandparents who came along to ‘Share a Story’ on the afternoon of World Book Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and we heard some great storytelling voices!
Pancake Day Races
To mark Shrove Tuesday, all classes took part in Pancake races. Staff and pupils alike had lots of fun flipping pancakes in the relay races. Please see below some of the fun that was had.
Chinese New Year celebrations
To celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Boar, the children were given the opportunity to take part in Lion Dance workshops on Friday, 8th February (2019).
Also a big thank you to our cook, Mrs Katie Ball and her team who produced a wonderful Chinese themed lunch, which was enjoyed by the children.
Lion Dance Workshop
Chinese themed lunch
CACoT Art Exhibition
'Our Blue Planet'
Schools from the Coastal Alliance are holding an art exhibition at the Horsebridge in Whitstable entitled ‘Our Blue Planet’. The exhibition is inspired by Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet programme and he has written a letter of support for the exhibition, which will be displayed for you to read.
Westmeads’ children have been working hard to make an installation out of recycled plastic depicting a coral reef. The exhibition is running from the 31st January – 11th February and all families are invited to come along to view the wonderful work that the children have produced.
Year 2's Visit from South East Water
On the 16th January Year 2 had a visit from South East water to learn about water conservation and usage. They taught us how to save water and techniques we can use to reduce our water usage. These included turning the tap off when we clean our teeth, taking a four minute shower instead of a bath and washing vegetables in a bowl of water instead of by running the tap.
We received a 'goody bag' with lots of useful tips and activities to help conserve water too!
We then took part in a Water Challenge where we worked in teams to connect a network of pipes together to ensure that all our 'buildings' received water. Take a look at the pictures of us in action.

Fire Fighter Fit Kids
Firefighter Fit Kids came into school and did fitness workshops with all classes in January 2019. All the children loved joining in with running on the sport, jumping, spotty dogs, lunges and even did some burpees!
The teachers will be continuing to do these sessions in school throughout the year as part of our curriculum enrichment, so why not ask your child to show you some of the exercises at home.

Tell me a story
As part of the Year 2 topic for this term (Term 3), 'Tell me a story', we were very fortunate to havea visit from Mr Lambirth. Mr Lambirth came in to tell each class a story. The children were really impressed that he was able to retell a story from memory! The children then went on to retell the story to each other as well as create freeze frames and a story plate to help sequence the story.
A big thank you to Mr Lambirth for his time and his enthusiatic reading to Red and Green class.
It's Panto time .... oh no it isn't.... Oh yes it is!
The New Year began with a wonderful pantomime treat, which was enjoyed by staff and children alike! 'M & M Theatrical Productions' visited us with their performance of 'Cinderella', paid for by the Friends of Westmeads.
Christmas Events
We have had some lovely festive fun at school over the last few weeks (December 2018). Please see below photos of some of the events that have taken place, including: Christmas activity day, Year R Christmas Nativity performance, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Concert, Choir Community singing and Christmas dinner.
A big thank you to the Friends of Westmeads and the Parents/Carers who volunteered to make all our events a big success.
Christmas Activity day led by Friends of Westmeads
Christmas Tree decorating assembly

Year R Christmas Nativity
Year 1 and 2 Christmas performance

Christmas Dinner
Choir Community Singing

Year 2 Trip to Thornden Woods
As part of Year 2's topic in Term 2 on habitats, they visited Thornden Woods. While the children were there they explored the woods and completed some woodland activities such as leaf collecting, bark rubbings and completing a woodland quiz. See some photos below of what they got up to.
Year 1 Dinosaur Workshop
We welcomed Perform for Schools on the 20th November for a Dinosaur Drama Workshop. The children all enjoyed, singing, dancing and even made up a cool rap with some funky moves! They finished by annoying a bad tempered Velociraptor who wanted a tidy nest. All the children found it funny to discover that the average Velociraptor was only the size of a turkey! You can see photos below of the workshop.

Summer Reading Challenge
Westmeads has won the district libraries' Summer Reading Challenge for the 4th Year running! Many congratulations to everyone who managed to complete the challenge by reading six books over the summer holiday. We have a lovely trophy in our library, which was awarded in a special assembly - see photos below.

Year 1 Trip to Druidstone
Blue and Purple Class visited Druidstone Park in October, where they walked through the enchanted forest. They made magic wands, participated in some creative storytelling and creating fantasy worlds. Both classes had a magical day. Please see the photos below of their adventure.

Harvest Assembly
As part of our Harvest celebrations we had an assembly in school, where we also incorporated National Poetry Day and each class had the opportunity to share their poem with the rest of the school. As part of our appreciation for all that we have, we recognised that not everyone is as lucky as we are.
The wonderfully decorated Porchlight houses were also on display, which was our chosen charity for Harvest this year. Please click here to view details of what we raised and photos of the houses.

Scarecrow Trail
Some children in Year 1 and Year 2 have been busy making a scarecrow to take part in the Whitstable Castle Scarecrow Trail. Please see below our scarecrows that you will be able to view at the castle this half term.

Otterden Trip
Some Year 1 children had the opportunity to visit Otterden Estate on the 11th October, 2018, to participate in a woodland experience. Countryside Learning is an educational charity, who runs free of charge woodland sessions on the Otterden Estate. The session is educational, informative and fun and covers things like seeds, seed dispersal, ageing a tree, feeling a tree, woodland habitats and building a tree out of children!
The children all had a wonderful time. Thank you to the volunteers that helped on the day.
Whitstable and Herne Bay Lions donation
The school received a wonderful donation of 'hi-vis' vests from the Whitstable and Herne Bay Lions. Due to this generous gift, we now have enough vests for two classes if they all go on beach walks or school trips.